Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To Service or not to Service … that is the question

The day I started this venture and before, like everybody I have met plethora of established and aspiring entrepreneurs, angels, venture capitalists, corporate managers and engineers etc. most often than not when they ask about what ShepHertz does and how do we make revenue. I have always mentioned about our product offerings i.e. App42 and our service business. Majority of them raised their eyebrows when I mentioned the word Service. One question which I was always asked post that
Do VC’s perceive your company in the right way when you are doing Product as well as Service Business together ?. Is it a death trap for a Start-up to do product development and service simultaneously ?
Sid: Don't know whether VC/Angels perceive us in the right way or not. You have to keep the lights on. Nobody is going to do that for you. Businesses don't work and salaries aren't paid based on what people think, but on what you face and execute at a daily level. At the end of the month you have to take care of your burn in terms of salaries, admin and other operational expenditures. The show must go on. One approach is to wait for that Angel who is going to bail you out and the other is to be in control of the situation. Funding is a very important aspect of entrepreneurship but it is not the only thing on which the company should be formed. If you take funds … its not the end. Its the beginning .. you have to create value for your customers and stakeholders. You still have to manage your cash carefully and judiciously. It wont be long when the  money will get over and you will be back to square one. In my opinion through my limited experience as an entrepreneur keeping funding as the main goal is like putting the cart in front of the horse. Endeavour should be to create a great team and build value for your customers through your offering, funding will follow.
Services business though it has pulled us back in terms of time. But at the same time it has given us much more. If your idea wont make any sense 3-4 months later because of any unforeseen delay … believe me you should consider dropping the idea and pursue some other one which is more resilient to time and competition. Since times and competition are always going to change. Of course it should not get perpetually postponed, if service is sucking your time and not leaving you anytime for your product, if its getting difficult to balance both and risks the launching of your product within an acceptable time … you will have to stop service. You have to limit yourself in taking only that much work which you can handle. There is high chance of one getting sucked into only service because it gives you immediate revenue which is very lucrative and difficult to resist. We somehow managed to find that balance. Took projects which we could handle in parallel with our Product development and have enough money to survive. Service has helped us build our team. We have tried to take work which is aligned with the skills, which are needed in our co. This helped us to built the ideal team required for our start-up. It has helped us to survive and fund our product development. There has been no interference in our creative decision making because of the service work. Whether we will succeed or not that time will tell but at least we know we have got a valid chance to make an attempt in what we believe. Without the revenue which we have made through service we would have gone under.
Now that our product has been launched, angels and VCs are reaching out to us and we are also actively pursuing funding we have decided to further limit Service and focus completely on our App42 PaaS Product line, its enhancement and support. Apart from completing our prior commitments, We will prefer only those projects which involves license sale of our Products with its customization, white labeling and integration, than mere project work. So in reality it is not service in classical sense its actually supporting the license model of App42
Investors with whom I have met have appreciated that, for nearly 2 years we managed to keep our heads above the water and yet develop such an extensive and comprehensive product line.
Whether its doing Service, Consulting, teaching or some other way through which you are earning revenue. Find a way to Bootstrap which suites you, every start-up and entrepreneur has to go through it.
Do what is best for you and helps you to achieve your ultimate goal. Don't lose focus of what your companies vision is and what it wants to be. Everything else will fall up in place irrespective of the approach which you take … there is no right way to reach your destination, the right way is the one which works for you

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fellow Entrepreneurs

There has not been a time when I have spoken about our team at ShepHertz in public forums, and I have not got Goosebumps. As an entrepreneur the biggest asset and the earning is who is on your side and who is not. I have had friends, best friends, colleagues, acquaintances, business contacts like any body has … but nobody stands more close to people who have given huge sacrifices and believed in this idea App42
When you embark on your journey … and a difficult and arduous one as we have. You learn many lessons in life … There is a saying in India the milk separates from water almost instantaneously when there are trying times. We have been always cash flow positive since we started this venture, but for the past few months we stopped taking new service work so that our dream App42 gets released … all our efforts and resources have been channelized to release this product, Not to say we are self funded, surviving without any angel or VC money, completely bootstrapped through our service revenue. We had to pay a heavy price for that …. we went cash flow negative in the last two months. We didn't take any new service work which was keeping our lights on and put all our efforts and resources on launching App42 . We had delayed salary payouts and had limited facilities at our office. The result was that App42 eventually got launched with very good reviews from media and friends.
The biggest sacrifice and difficult times have been endured by our immediate family members and our team mates at ShepHertz who have sacrificed their dreams and the time of their life to make the idea successful. They sacrificed their house and car loans, took a cut on salary and increments, and left that great opportunity which came their way during these times and above all sacrificed their personal and family material dreams, because they believed in the larger good. Don't know whether we will make it that big. But nothing can replace the pleasure and happiness we got when we released the product and the whole process of developing the same … when everybody danced and hugged each other post our launch after working for 48 hours non stop  ….. Family members called in the middle of the night. Wife's and family members of colleagues at Shephertz shared and liked our launched links. Its been an exhilarating and awesome experience which no amount of success, fame and money will give it to us. Look forward to more rewarding times :) Thank you team ShepHertz we will make it big together :)

Idea.. Dilemma.. Launch! - The Story of a Mobile, Web and Social App Entrepreneur

Nick has just passed out of college and is booming with ideas. While lying on the bed and watching the ceiling, an idea strikes - he wants to develop an App which is accessible through Mobile and Web. Next morning, the first thing he does is to run to a book shop to buy a book on PHP/RoR, iPhone and Android development. He then straightway heads to a coffee shop. Orders his favourite cuppa of beans, opens up his laptop and tries out the ‘Hello World’ examples.
He dives deeper and reads few more chapters, just to get started on his idea, and realizes that he needs to buy some space to host his App, because his App requires a back end. He also needs a hosting provider - cloud services are ubiquitously hyped, instead of the traditional Datacenter. He signs up with a cloud service which is the cheapest and promises the world to him. The moment he logs in to the newly registered account, he however sees a jargon-infested console which he fails to understand. This cheapest solution, was even out of his budget. Frustration creeps in and he questions whether he should really go ahead. It doesn't seem so easy to launch his idea - There is a lot of self-learning to be done. He wonders if instead the App should be outsourced to somebody. If that is the case, how much would it cost and would he have any control as he does not have the technological know-how. As he makes an attempt to understand the console, he ponders over all the lingering questions … which database to install, would it be able to take the scale, which ports to open, how much hard disk i.e. secondary storage would be required, should he opt for a higher configuration virtual machine, what is a virtual machine, root login, auto scaling, monitoring your applications, what happens if the load increases.. would the current configuration be able to handle it. He talks with many of his friends in this space or remotely associated with this space. Every body suggests him with new options and at the end of it he his even more confused and undecided.
Then he stumbles upon App42! A simple interface which requires basic knowledge of App Development in any platform available in the market. It allows an app developer to develop any application- be it simple or complex – and enables him to go live in just a few minutes. Nick downloads the SDKs based on his choice of language and platform, tries the samples, integrates them and ….voila! :) He is all set to launch his App. His footprint of his App is minimum, the complexities of maintaining and developing complex logic is taken care by App42, he focuses on the UI and the business logic. 
The intention of the App42 PaaS platform is to make the App developer achieve his goals i.e technology as well as business goals. All its services are aligned to make the App developer/company successful. All our current product line and in future will make their best attempt to provide services which will allow an App developer to succeed and gain revenue as quickly and reliably as possible.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Significance of the no. 42 in App42

Many people have asked me since the day we launched our App42 product line in a closed group. What is the significance of 42 in the name of the platform. The name is inspired from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , a comic science fiction series created by Douglas Adams which I had read many years before. Please follow the link  to know about it in detail.
The no. came back to me in life when I participated as a core team member  @ ISO/IEC
JTC 1/ SC 7 Annual Plenary Meeting in the working group WG42  Architecture in Hyderabad, India 2009. The working group was named 42 i.e. WG42
When I started this venture and was struggling to decide what name should I give to the platform. I started with Wings (Infact it took lot of time to remove Wings since most of the code and the UI, even the logo was built using Wings as the name of the platform), later on moved to AppWarp .. then to AppArena, but somehow I was still not comfortable with these names. One night I just started thinking what does the platform intend to do ? When somebody hears our Product name what should come to their mind ? That's when the number 42 resurfaced - Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything and so the Shephertz PaaS platform became App42.

48 hours of jamming and we are live

Last 48 hours before yesterday night has been a culmination of little less than two years of effort. I have been dreaming and waited in anticipation for this day since then.
The postits during our last leg of journey to the launch were just simply not ready to budge from the right side of the board to the left. But after tremendous team effort and coordination for 48 hours at a stretch … at around 10 pm yesterday we managed to get all of them on the left.
App42 was launched to a small group of people. Coming Monday we will be launching to the developer community worldwide.
The hard work, wait and anticipation has been completely worth it. We @ Shephertz have developed a strong product line which we will be releasing incrementally starting today and remaining in the coming weeks.
Our vision is to make App developers successful. All our products focus on making App developer’s life easy and help them to make applications of varying complexity. Assist them in developing applications from a very simple to complex App in as short time as possible and in a reliable manner.
App42 is a Unified PaaS (Platform as a Service) platform for Mobile & Web applications. Currently we have created over 180+ Cloud API’s with SDK's for all popular platforms and languages, very soon we will be providing a deployment and execution environment for custom server side code using our Shared Cloud and Dedicated Cloud Containers.
Complete server side complexities are taken care by us, allowing the App developer to focus on the UI and on their business functionality. Whether you are an iOS, Android or HTML5 App developer or developing SaaS and Enterprise Applications using popular languages like Java, Groovy, PHP, Ruby or python, our API's will provide Technical as well as Business Services which you can use out of the box with minimal configuration and integrate in your App code.
A full-blown mobile, Web, SaaS, TV, or enterprise application equipped with cutting-edge server side functionality is now possible with just few lines of code using the App42 PaaS.
The sheer comprehensiveness of our API’s will leave very little server side code to be written for applications, if not any.
Very soon we will be launching some more services please watch out this space
Do keep visiting our Blog to get updated news about Shephertz Product line, team and about life @ Shephertz
Last but, not the least it has been great fun to work with the team (our fellow entrepreneurs) at Shephertz where even in most trying times we found a way to stick together, excel and above all enjoy the whole process.
In a way it’s an end to the chapter which started since our inception in July 2010, but it also is a beginning for many more chapters to come or I would rather say volumes ;) where we have to focus on marketing, support, managing our production servers, scaling, bringing in new features and release our other products which are part of the App42 Product line. Above all getting continuous customer feedback and improve every aspect of our business inch by inch everyday