Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Idea.. Dilemma.. Launch! - The Story of a Mobile, Web and Social App Entrepreneur

Nick has just passed out of college and is booming with ideas. While lying on the bed and watching the ceiling, an idea strikes - he wants to develop an App which is accessible through Mobile and Web. Next morning, the first thing he does is to run to a book shop to buy a book on PHP/RoR, iPhone and Android development. He then straightway heads to a coffee shop. Orders his favourite cuppa of beans, opens up his laptop and tries out the ‘Hello World’ examples.
He dives deeper and reads few more chapters, just to get started on his idea, and realizes that he needs to buy some space to host his App, because his App requires a back end. He also needs a hosting provider - cloud services are ubiquitously hyped, instead of the traditional Datacenter. He signs up with a cloud service which is the cheapest and promises the world to him. The moment he logs in to the newly registered account, he however sees a jargon-infested console which he fails to understand. This cheapest solution, was even out of his budget. Frustration creeps in and he questions whether he should really go ahead. It doesn't seem so easy to launch his idea - There is a lot of self-learning to be done. He wonders if instead the App should be outsourced to somebody. If that is the case, how much would it cost and would he have any control as he does not have the technological know-how. As he makes an attempt to understand the console, he ponders over all the lingering questions … which database to install, would it be able to take the scale, which ports to open, how much hard disk i.e. secondary storage would be required, should he opt for a higher configuration virtual machine, what is a virtual machine, root login, auto scaling, monitoring your applications, what happens if the load increases.. would the current configuration be able to handle it. He talks with many of his friends in this space or remotely associated with this space. Every body suggests him with new options and at the end of it he his even more confused and undecided.
Then he stumbles upon App42! A simple interface which requires basic knowledge of App Development in any platform available in the market. It allows an app developer to develop any application- be it simple or complex – and enables him to go live in just a few minutes. Nick downloads the SDKs based on his choice of language and platform, tries the samples, integrates them and ….voila! :) He is all set to launch his App. His footprint of his App is minimum, the complexities of maintaining and developing complex logic is taken care by App42, he focuses on the UI and the business logic. 
The intention of the App42 PaaS platform is to make the App developer achieve his goals i.e technology as well as business goals. All its services are aligned to make the App developer/company successful. All our current product line and in future will make their best attempt to provide services which will allow an App developer to succeed and gain revenue as quickly and reliably as possible.

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