Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Significance of the no. 42 in App42

Many people have asked me since the day we launched our App42 product line in a closed group. What is the significance of 42 in the name of the platform. The name is inspired from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , a comic science fiction series created by Douglas Adams which I had read many years before. Please follow the link  to know about it in detail.
The no. came back to me in life when I participated as a core team member  @ ISO/IEC
JTC 1/ SC 7 Annual Plenary Meeting in the working group WG42  Architecture in Hyderabad, India 2009. The working group was named 42 i.e. WG42
When I started this venture and was struggling to decide what name should I give to the platform. I started with Wings (Infact it took lot of time to remove Wings since most of the code and the UI, even the logo was built using Wings as the name of the platform), later on moved to AppWarp .. then to AppArena, but somehow I was still not comfortable with these names. One night I just started thinking what does the platform intend to do ? When somebody hears our Product name what should come to their mind ? That's when the number 42 resurfaced - Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything and so the Shephertz PaaS platform became App42.