Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fellow Entrepreneurs

There has not been a time when I have spoken about our team at ShepHertz in public forums, and I have not got Goosebumps. As an entrepreneur the biggest asset and the earning is who is on your side and who is not. I have had friends, best friends, colleagues, acquaintances, business contacts like any body has … but nobody stands more close to people who have given huge sacrifices and believed in this idea App42
When you embark on your journey … and a difficult and arduous one as we have. You learn many lessons in life … There is a saying in India the milk separates from water almost instantaneously when there are trying times. We have been always cash flow positive since we started this venture, but for the past few months we stopped taking new service work so that our dream App42 gets released … all our efforts and resources have been channelized to release this product, Not to say we are self funded, surviving without any angel or VC money, completely bootstrapped through our service revenue. We had to pay a heavy price for that …. we went cash flow negative in the last two months. We didn't take any new service work which was keeping our lights on and put all our efforts and resources on launching App42 . We had delayed salary payouts and had limited facilities at our office. The result was that App42 eventually got launched with very good reviews from media and friends.
The biggest sacrifice and difficult times have been endured by our immediate family members and our team mates at ShepHertz who have sacrificed their dreams and the time of their life to make the idea successful. They sacrificed their house and car loans, took a cut on salary and increments, and left that great opportunity which came their way during these times and above all sacrificed their personal and family material dreams, because they believed in the larger good. Don't know whether we will make it that big. But nothing can replace the pleasure and happiness we got when we released the product and the whole process of developing the same … when everybody danced and hugged each other post our launch after working for 48 hours non stop  ….. Family members called in the middle of the night. Wife's and family members of colleagues at Shephertz shared and liked our launched links. Its been an exhilarating and awesome experience which no amount of success, fame and money will give it to us. Look forward to more rewarding times :) Thank you team ShepHertz we will make it big together :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Sir!!! Congrats wishing you all the very best.

    - S.Kumaran.
